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Outliers is a group of working, best-selling. award-winning authors who give back to the writing community by sharing knowledge and experience through various learning opportunities. The primary goal is to teach the craft of writing and storytelling to those who have a story to tell but don’t know where or how to begin, as well as those who already write but wish to improve their skills. If your project is non-fiction, our team can help with the organization and writing of your manuscript by adding storytelling elements to your work.


Outlier events and programs are online through interactive ZOOM sessions, so are convenient. The goal is to bring affordable writing conferences and instruction directly into your home. 




The Outliers Online. Ongoing Writers Conference: Two ZOOM classes per month, on the first and third Tuesdays at 4 pm Pacific/7 pm Eastern, month after month. Our discounted annual fee allows you to join any time and receive a year of one-of-a-kind classes.. Or you can select single classes if you wish. 


Outliers Intensives: Single and multi-part classes that focus on a particular aspect of writing, career development, marketing, and everything a writer needs to know for a successful career.


Outliers Boot Camp: Mentored six-week, small-group intensives that focus on the student’s first 50 pages of a work-in-progress. The student and mentor will collaborate to dissect, edit, and polish the writing while imparting techniques that will carry the author through the entire story. 

Outliers Book Talk: A series of free interactive discussions on everything books and writing

Outliers’ instructors are experienced authors, experts in various fields, and professionals with knowledge to share. As working writers, we know the hard work required to create a publishable story, or work of non-fiction. Each of us has been there. Each of us received help from other instructors and writers. That’s the way this community works. 


OUTLIERS is continuing that process in a unique, affordable, and convenient way.


Our YouTube Channel offers many opportunities to learn and interact with fellow writers

GET TO KNOW is an interview series where we get to know authors and other thought leaders

CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: The Art and Science of Crime Fiction hosted by DP Lyle offers programs on the art and science of crime fiction and interviews with experts in the forensic science and law enforcement fields

Outliers Book Talk: A series of free interactive discussions on everything books and writing

Join us and kick up your writing to new heights.


Kathleen Antrim and DP Lyle, co-creators

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